If your budget for a new snooker cue is between £50 and £100 then we would consider this to be within a price range that would allow you to get a cue just above the economy cue range. Most cues under this price range will have painted butts with little or no hardwood splices. It is important to realize that the hardwoods in snooker and pool cues are not only for cosmetic reasons but that is also contributes to the feel and balance of the cue. If your budget could stretch to £100 then it would enable you to get a wider choice cue from our cue and case deals that would include a cue, cue case and cue extensions which are now an essential part of most snooker players equipment,
Lynton butt jointed hand spliced snooker cue Blueray professional cue extension mini-butt. The Lynton cue and case snooker deal.
The package above is one of our most popular cue and case deals in this price range. It includes the Lynton hand spliced snooker cue, and good solid case with all the extensions a player will need. For any player who wishes to play with a good quality cue cue without paying very high prices this is certainly one we would recommend. You can see this package and others on our snooker cue and case deals page.
If you already have a case and extensions and do not require a full cue and case package then you will have a bigger range of cues to choose from and simply have to look at the cues in your price range from our website.