Sometimes our customers ask us some questions which you may find useful to know of our answers when choosing a new cue.
Hi, Luke
I’ve played snooker all my life but recently joined a pool team league and I noticed other players cues having a smaller diameter tip offering them better control and spin of the white.
I’m looking for some advice on your range of cues, ideally I’d like a hand spliced one as I remember being told these were higher quality cues.
Ideally I’d like a complete package with mini butt and case, my budget is from £50-90…
Any advice would be appreciated, I have no preference with 2pc 1/2, 3/4 or a 3pc… I reckon 1pc will be out of my budget.
Thanks in advance
Luke Allan
Our Answer was as follows;
Hi Luke, thanks for the e-mail.
We have lots of pool cues in that price range so I would suggest you follow these links below and narrow down your choice to the ones you like based on the design you favour and price.
1 pc . From this link you will find some cues in the £79 range but the mini-butts are extra and because the 1 pc cases are longer they are also more expensive. We would only be able to send these cues at the express price because of the length, so truthfully as you said these cues are a little outside your budget. There is a far wider choice in the 2pc and butt-jointed cues that would also be within your budget so unless you have a real preference for a 1 pc I would consider instead some of these other options.
2pc. . If you follow this link it will take you to our 2pc pool cues where there are about 3 pages of cues that might be within your budget, including some of our unique telescopic pool cues. The telescopic cues may not have been cues you have seen before as we presently make them and only supply through our own website. As you mention hand-spliced cues you will also find some of those in these pages, including the Lynton which is a popular model.
Butt-jointed pool cues. . If you follow this link you it will take you to a page full of butt-jointed cues that will be within your budget. There are some very good value butt-jointed cues here, including some hand-spliced models.
Pool cue and case deals. By following this link you will see some cue and case deals we have put together for our pool customers. We are regularly changing our cue and case deals and we do have recently received some stock that we have not had time yet even put on our website. The Arlington cue and case package would probably be at the top end of your budget but is a nice package.
You may like to go through our cues and cases and put together your own package within your budget. Some of the pool cues do come with free mini-butts and you can them choose your own case to go with it. It is important if you do this that you check the cue does in fact take a mini-butt if that is important to you. Unlike our snookercues which nearly all accept a mini-butt, some of our pool cues don’t so please check if you want one.
What you say about the Hand-spliced cues being a higher quality, this does not always apply. You might have better materials in some of the machine splices cues then in some of the Hand-spliced cues. For example some hand-spliced models in Rosewood could be cheaper then a machine-spliced cue made in Ebony. What I can say is that each model is priced to give very good value for money, no matter if it is machine spliced or hand-spliced we like to feel that any cue bought from our website offers excellent value to the customer.
Hope this helps. Of-course if you have any questions at all you are always welcome to call me to discuss on 01271 889147.
Kind Regards, Rob